The School
This year, we are serving children from 1st to 6th grade between 6 to 17 years of age. Having one teacher per classroom is all we can afford currently...
...but the plan is to have assistant teachers in each class as resources allow. welcomed 190 children for the 2023-2024 school year, both boys and girls. On occasion, because of individual circumstances, we’ve seen some children drop out from the school in previous years. We’re hoping to finish this year with all our children. Most abandonments are due to having to move to another place for a lower cost of living, while in other cases children are made to stay home and do household chores or sales of street foods and small goods. For the latter case, we negotiate with families to let the children attend school regularly. We have no say in the former case, since we are unable to provide living spaces.
For some of our readers who don’t know, our school has had 6 primary school graduations. Despite all odds, we were able to keep 9 students in for secondary education. These children were truly disadvantaged but visibly intelligent. We are happy with their progress.
Our graduates need you to keep going to school and get secondary education!